Examples for "rude"
Examples for "rude"
1It's really rude. It wasn't the first time Bono has said sorry.
2He pointed in turn to the rude ornamentation in the shell clasp.
3It is possible, of course, that she was just being plain rude.
4Haven't I watched Kate field this question from hundreds of rude people?
5This unreasonable speculation is a rude contempt toward Chinese law, it said.
1I know it is what he would have wanted, she said in an interview with Ruda Landman.
2'Ta duinhe-wassel might please himsell; ta auld rudas loon had never done Callum nae ill.
3"She was a very ruda girla," said Angelo from the third motor thoughtfully.
4Sigvat the skald came this summer (A.D. 1027) from the West, from Ruda (Rouen) in Valland, and with him was a man called Berg.