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Significados de ruffled feelings em inglês
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Uso de ruffled feelings em inglês
He showed no evidences of his ruffledfeelings when he reached the hotel.
Excessively annoyed, Isabel repaired to her own room to calm her ruffledfeelings.
You can never imagine how these words soothed Bumper's ruffledfeelings.
Jared had soothed his ruffledfeelings and gone back to his old barn and worked for a fortnight.
Mr. Bull-Frog was apparently as susceptible to flattery as Mr. Crow, and his ruffledfeelings began to subside.
The comments bestowed were not calculated to soothe the ruffledfeelings of people who had been ordered to retreat.
Keith walked about the streets for some time before he could soothe his ruffledfeelings and regain his composure.
Driscoll's ruffledfeelings appeared soothed.
It will soothe ruffledfeelings, wipe out imagined grievances and even lay the basis for firmer relations in the future.
I noticed a slight contraction on the landlord's ample forehead, the first evidence I had yet seen of ruffledfeelings.
It soothed his ruffledfeelings to be with Lorraine; and it flattered his vanity to feel that she liked him there.
She tried to gather her scattered thoughts, and smooth her ruffledfeelings, in using this quiet time to the best advantage.
Meanwhile he had used all his influence as a newly appointed member of the Wetmore outfit to soothe the ruffledfeelings of the cattle-men.
And so the brother and sister prepared to soothe their ruffledfeelings by making much of the man who was "a gentleman."
His abilities consisted mainly in keeping the bankers complaisant, in smoothing the ruffledfeelings of creditors, in cutting out unnecessary expenditures, and in shaving prices.
I have spent the entire day smoothing over the ruffledfeelings of certain members of the judiciary council who came here expressly to see you.