Patience as Islamic virtue.
Examples for "patience"
Examples for "patience"
1It requires patience, resources and a culture of commitment to public health.
2Waiting your turn outside a public telephone box requires a particular patience.
3They have pursued their long campaign over thirty-eight years with great patience.
4It requires more patience, but given time, the results are more certain.
5The issue, it seems, is simply one of time, effort and patience.
1There is little new in India and Pakistan rattling their respective sabres.
2In vain, however, for the robbers with their sabres soon killed him.
3It might also generate shareholder value more quickly than rattling sabres.
4High-level data on the combination of SABR with modern therapies are still lacking.
5The ivory grips of twin sabres curved bright at his sides.
6We're living in the twentieth century, and no one uses sabres any more.'
7His hands snapped to the bright ivory grips of his sabres.
8However, slowly but surely fanatics with plastic light sabres and Wookie masks turned up.
9But there is no denying China is rattling sabres in its relationship with Taipei.
10Results: Fifty-nine unique publications with 5655 patients who underwent SABR for spinal metastases were included.
11Time to toxicity was defined from start of SABR.
12Iorga's men, regathered after their undignified tumble, charged the crowds, laying about themselves with sabres.
13They had sabres and knives stuck into their belts and rifles slung over their shoulders.
14Twelve additional patients who received significant dose to the SAN from SABR did not develop toxicity.
15There is a decent collection of original saddles, sabres and other ephemera used by Army riders.
16Here we report our institution's experience in treating central and ultra-central lung tumor patients with SABR.