Ainda não temos significados para "sadly deficient".
1The new governor was sadly deficient in his knowledge of the Indian temperament.
2Yes, but he was sadly deficient in the jewelers rouge department.
3Our Mr. Oldbuck, of Oxney Colne, was sadly deficient in these.
4But he was nevertheless sadly deficient, as may well be supposed.
5His atmosphere was sadly deficient in life-giving oxygen, and much vitiated by gunpowder smoke.
6And adds, "I have been sadly deficient in... patience, and filial obedience."
7They are sadly deficient in good manners and reverence.
8And alas, her message was sadly deficient, she found.
9However this may be, real working classes; but in practicability and inventiveness the Oriental is sadly deficient.
10I think the wretches odiously dirty, and judging from appearances, I should say sadly deficient in comforts.
11To Jarl, no similar question was put; for he was sadly deficient in a taste for the picturesque.
12The darkness and penetrating chill of the English winter tried her, and this year her recuperative powers seemed sadly deficient.
13Most men of strong points are sadly deficient in other and essential traits needed to constitute a well-biased, grandly-rounded life.
14Distinguish yourself in that noble branch of abstract science in which, you cannot but acknowledge, you are at present sadly deficient.
15Orange was fully aware of the position of both places, but he was, as usual, sadly deficient in men and means.
16A girl must be sadly deficient in sense if she loves a weak, bad, disreputable man, or a vulgar, ignorant one.
Esta colocação é formada por:
Sadly deficient ao longo do tempo
Sadly deficient nas variantes da língua