Ainda não temos significados para "said over half".
1Tesco said over half of its Japanese stores were profitable.
2The United Nations has said over half a million people may now be sheltering in temporary settlements.
3Tourism Minister Simon Birmingham said over half of all domestic overnight holidays made by Australians involved outdoor or nature-based activities.
4Mr Martin said over half a million people in the Irish workforce must be given further training to take-up high-skilled jobs.
5Dr Moore said over half of Guam's coconut tree population was under threat from the CRBG, as were other populations across the region.
6Heinz chairman Dr Tony O'Reilly welcomed the results and said over half the plant closures due under a major restructuring project had taken place.
7It said over half of students in Samoa, Tonga, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu experienced bullying at school compared to a third of children globally.
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