Large wind-powered water vessel.
1Who's to pull or steer or sail ship if he loses yer?
2Sailing ships travel faster when tacking than when sailing with the wind.
3Sailormen always drive that way, because that is the way they sail ships.
4Ash Wednesday, like a great gray- sailed ship, was seen coming large into port.
5Now from the gray mists of the ocean, the white- sailed ships of Fingal appeared.
6Captain John D. Whidden, "Ocean Life in the Old Sailing Ship Days" (1908).
7Sailing ships and steam-ships traverse the oceans and lakes.
8They used wind to turn mills and sail ships and water to turn crude wheels.
9Sailing ships were still vulnerable to a lee shore.
10They cannot sail ships without keels or masts.
11The black- sailed ship was rigged for another voyage.
12Let us go down to the black- sailed ship.'
13Sailing ships, it is seen, can do things which steamers, as at present constructed, cannot accomplish.
14Sailing ships can still hold their own, especially in the transport of heavy merchandise for great distances.
15Sailing ships are greatly retarded by head winds and calms, and often spend weeks on the voyage.
16Suddenly the first mate signalled: " Sailing ship to windward."
Translations for sail ship