Ainda não temos significados para "say the damosel".
1Alas, said the damosel, my knight fighteth passing sore and over long.
2Then, said the damosel, methinketh ye have no lust to help him.
3Well, said the damosel, ye shall soon, whether ye will or not.
4Not so hardy, thou bawdy knave, said the damosel, that thou slay him.
5That is the righteous judgment of God, said the damosel.
6It was indented with white and black, said the damosel.
7Now, gentle knight, said the damosel, I require thee to kiss me but once.
8O madam, said the damosel, an ye slay my lord ye can never escape.
9What sayest thou, said the damosel, wilt thou match yonder knights or turn again?
10Ah sir, said the damosel, that same is he that slew your three sons.
11Yonder, said the damosel, and pointed with her finger.
12Sir, said the damosel, that shall be done, and so she rode unto her sister.
13Alas, said the damosel, where shall I find him?
14Sir knight, said the damosel, what is your name?
15Thank me, said the Damosel of the Lake.
16Then must I speak further, said the damosel.