Ainda não temos significados para "say the fiend".
1Then said the fiend: Thou hast travailed me greatly; now tell me what thou wilt with me.
2Not so, said the fiend, this man that lieth here dead was come of a great lineage.
3"Hell is turned upside down and inside out," said the fiend.
4"You have summoned me," said the Fiend; "Are you determined to be wise?
5"Destroy me," said the fiend, "and you destroy your Clara.
6"Don't you say a word more, David," said the fiend.
7"I guess you're traders," said the fiend at last.
8"Good monk," said the fiend, "what dost thou here?"
9"I will soon seize thee," said the fiend.
10"It is a long time," said the fiend, "since I have had the pleasure of seeing you.
11"See me off, Marusia," says the Fiend.
12"On the contrary," said the fiend, "I would extirpate heresy, and all learning and knowledge as inevitably tending thereunto.
13"Come along!" said the fiend.
14"If I am to die, I shall have to have a say in it." "I will soon seize thee," said the fiend.