Ainda não temos significados para "scanned the skies".
1Frustrated, Tatum scanned the skies and saw more of the winging creatures.
2There was less cover, so he scanned the skies for Sentinel overwatch.
3I scanned the skies for drones, certain there had to be some left.
4Sam scanned the skies for signs of aircraft, despite the weather.
5Raisa scanned the skies in all directions, peering above and over her shoulders.
6Their sinistrals scanned the skies avidly in their mirror helms.
7I scanned the skies through our new gargoyle-supplied sunroof.
8She scanned the skies to the north and west.
9He could have done without her moonlight, and he scanned the skies in search of clouds.
10Sal scanned the skies and caught sight of a star plummeting out of the western sky.
11Jessica scanned the skies for darklings, slithers, anything.
12Martin scanned the skies above us.
13He scanned the skies with binoculars.
14While she was waiting for confirmation to come back, she scanned the skies around her and spotted two of them.
16Mr Samson reflexively grabbed for a game controller that wasn't there, and scanned the skies, wondering where his spaceship had gone.
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