Ainda não temos significados para "scattered amongst".
1Letters and papers were scattered amongst them; Falkland turned carelessly over the latter.
2The survivors became scattered amongst far-off woods and along unknown lakes and rivers.
3There were no sacrifices scattered amongst the fagots-noslain horses, dogs, or hostages.
4They scattered amongst the Gs, detonating once they hit the road or an abandoned car.
5Bits of cloth lay scattered amongst the bones-perhaps ,shethought, burial robes long gone to dust.
6Somebody else said, that the particular excellencies scattered amongst all other fruits are united in this alone.
7Some eggs contain hardly a speck of the purple-grey, while others have considerable blotches of that colour scattered amongst the red spots.
8He will get them copied and scattered amongst a score of agents, one of whom may get the information through to Germany.
9No one worked the fields; no one was seen on the road or even around the few farms and settlements scattered amongst the distant hillsides.
10And then by this time I'd seen my old books, often enough, lying scattered amongst dusty piles in second-hand shops marked, 'All this lot 6d.'
11Scattered amongst enigmatic tracks like these are a few things that will be more widely known.
12Scattered amongst the Segways were people wearing those video-screen vest deals, which were running the Layton trailer.
13Scattered amongst the rushes and small bushes is seen a New Zealand village, which at first landing is scarcely perceptible, the huts being so low.
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