The period of instruction in a school; the time period when school is in session.
Tak is going to enter a video production contest, with the support of his three best friends.
1Thirty-five thousand free lunches are served each school day throughout the city.
2Is it time to have later start times to the school day?
3In fact, many children from religious backgrounds pray throughout the school day.
4By the end of the second reading, the school day was over.
5The hour after lunch is the most trying of the school day.
6You can incorporate exercise into the school day, without too much disruption.
7And the school day was as long as a month is now.
8A school bell, he figured, announcing the end of the school day.
9She goes to school day after day, but she does not learn.
10The school will have a longer school day and a longer school year.
11Space must be made in the school day for story time, said David.
12On an average school day the truancy rates are over 20 per cent.
13The children have an hour of activity before the proper school day begins.
14Extend the school day, and deepen learning and spark the connection to education.
15We talk to the students and teachers about their school day.
16It is a welcoming, living library and remains open throughout the school day.
Translations for school day