Form of materialism that developed in the 19th century influenced by evolutionary biology, propounded by Carl Vogt, Ludwig Büchner, Jacob Moleschott, etc.
The revolt against scientificmaterialism was made much easier by the disintegration of the mechanical theory itself.
This utter final wreck and tragedy is of the essence of scientificmaterialism as at present understood.
It has made what we call the 'new woman' -thatnoxious flower on the stalk of scientificmaterialism.
Still, it is ironic that even Marx's " scientificmaterialism" has an equivalent in the twilight times of feudalism.
If we had to stay here after dark I'd surely have the creeps, in spite of all my scientificmaterialism!
Its most extreme form, the iron dogma of " scientificmaterialism", sought to reinterpret every aspect of history and human behaviour in its own narrow terms.
Scientificmaterialism binds the Creator Himself; it chains up God as the Apocalypse chained the devil.