Ainda não temos significados para "scrawl there".
1Slowly and with difficulty he spelled out the queer letters scrawled there.
2If Dr. Lezander was scrawled there in blood, I was going to split my skin.
3There were ideas in music scrawled there which even a grown man found it difficult to understand.
4Then, without glancing at her, he lifted the notebook so she could read what he'd scrawled there.
5The impact of the serial killer stories was nothing compared to the jolt I felt on seeing what was scrawled there.
6She turned the pages slowly, came back to the fly-leaf page, read the name scrawled there and, turning swiftly to Lee, said accusingly:
7A very familiar signature rode the bottom of the receipt, scrawled there in wide John Hancock letters, more of a message than an autograph.
8She'd seen the handwriting on the wall, handwriting he'd scrawled there in big, bold, unmistakable letters, and had wisely decided to cut her losses.
9Vergil stood before the white idea board, rubbing his stubbly beard, and stared at the cryptic messages he had scrawled there the day before.