Perhaps a close scrutiniser of countenances might have detected some resemblance- afamilyone-betweenhim and his three companions.
Even that famous scrutiniser of modern masculinity, Tony Soprano, would look at both of them and say, Ah salute.
Among these scrutinisers were large news organisations including CNN and others.
In another moment I had exchanged greetings with M. Zola, and my suspicious scrutinisers had been introduced to me as friends.
Effective public scrutiny of courts requires both a happenstance audience and the hope that such public scrutinisers have some knowledge of fair proceedings.
Uso de scrutinizer em inglês
The first or second time I showed up, the scrutinizer was none less than Richard Russell Jr., the powerful senator from Georgia.
So he nominated the ten senators whom he most honored and appointed three of them, selected by lot, to be scrutinizers.
In August, the Army had to cancel its first solicitation for the vehicle after service and Pentagon scrutinizers didn't think the project sounded cost-effective.