He would certainly not feel honoured at the thought of having his daughter enter the Imperial Palace as a secondarywife.
The Secondarywife of the Emperor had a deep yellow chair.
The Secondarywife of the Emperor Kwang Hsu presented about the same to Her Majesty.
On this day, as on the Emperor's birthday, the Emperor, Young Empress and Secondarywife dined together.
All the Court ladies went to the lunch, except Her Majesty, the Young Empress and the Secondarywife.
She ordered us all, including the Young Empress, to wear pale blue, also the Secondarywife of the Emperor.
In the strongly patriarchal and patrilinear system of the Chou and the developing primogeniture, children of secondarywives had a lower social status.
No preference was shown to the son of the oldest brother, and no preference between sons of main or of secondarywives is recognizable.
She gave the Court ladies each a beautiful embroidered gown and a few hundred taels, the same to the Young Empress and the Secondarywife.
It had two buildings flanking it on each side and the eunuch told us that the one on the left was the SecondaryWife's bedroom.
The court comprised the usual extensive harem of an Oriental prince, consisting of a single recognized queen, and a multitude of secondarywives or concubines.