Ainda não temos significados para "secular studies".
1Metaphysics was acceptable in secular studies but increasingly Greeks felt that it could endanger the faith.
2The more their minds were directed to God and His Word, the more they became interested in secular studies.
3The ever-surging tide of secular studies that runs so high on the East Side caught this boy in its wave.
4Of all man's secular studies, ecology comes closest to bringing him to the threshold of religious relationship to his world.
5His aim was to reform higher education and introduce into the universities a wide, liberal, and scientific programme of secular studies.
6The 80 faculty members focus mainly on Islamic studies, but students can also major in secular studies such as finance or computer science.
7Professor in Secular Studies at Pitzer College Phil Zuckerman on how "no religion" is becoming the fastest-growing new religion.
8"The pupils," he says, "were thoroughly acquainted with all their secular studies, and their familiarity with the Scriptures was truly wonderful."
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