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Significados de seek second em inglês
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Uso de seek second em inglês
Three of these companies will seeksecond-round funding in the next few months.
Physicians should be alert to coping strategies, with a willingness to seeksecond opinions.
He said Ashleigh ultimately wanted her story to save lives by encouraging people to seeksecond opinions.
Patients pay repeated visits to the doctor and to emergency departments, and frequently seeksecond and third opinions.
We're told we must be our own health advocates, we must ask questions, insist on tests if things don't feel right, seeksecond opinions.
Sir, - I heard Prof McAleese on radio seekingsecond, third and fourth preference votes from the electorate.
The bureau is seekingsecond-level teachers for "a partner-finding seminar" in Dublin which is fully paid for by Leargas.
The firm's records showed that Malta, Antigua and Barbuda, Portugal, and Moldova were the most popular countries for South Africans seekingsecond passports.
Thirteen Republican governors and 13 Democrats are seekingsecond terms this year, in ballots where the power of incumbency usually favours the office holder.
We ask Dr Kate Baddock, Chair of NZMA and GP, about whether she thinks about patients seekingsecond opinions and what they should expect.
It could not be learned if Bain is the only party currently in talks with TI Automotive, which soughtsecond-round bids by late October.
He struggled with the diagnosis for two years, seekingsecond opinions, seeing a counsellor and talking with other prostate cancer patients about their journey.
A chunk of the property firms' future profits hinges on demand for big new coastal developments aimed at Europeans seekingsecond homes in the sun.