Ainda não temos significados para "seem paralyzed".
1I am so sad and weary, leaving Italy, that I seem paralyzed.
2At such times, the sensibilities seem paralyzed, and emotion dies of sheer exhaustion.
3Why is it that they always seem paralyzed when they get in front of Stonewall Jackson?
4His arm and his cold fingers that clutched the grenade seemed paralyzed.
5They all started to their feet instantly and seemed paralyzed with fear.
6You are just too comfortable to move, and your initiative seems paralyzed.
7He did not realize the awfulness of his sentence, his brain seemed paralyzed.
8I tried to speak my fears to her, but my tongue seemed paralyzed.
9My brain seemed paralyzed, and made of the same substance as my helmet.
10The lieutenant's eyes get very big, and his face seems paralyzed.
11Otherwise, they were just civilians, and seemed paralyzed by inertia.
12For the moment, every muscle of my body seemed paralyzed.
13Mrs. Linden seemed paralyzed for some moments at this declaration.
14Brant endeavored to speak, but the words would not come; his brain seemed paralyzed.
15Satoko seemed paralyzed and Yoshio yanked her to her feet.
16When Noakes seemed paralyzed, she reached out and forcibly placed the money in his hand.
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