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Significados de seems generally em inglês
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Uso de seems generally em inglês
Easter Island seemsgenerally to be an add-on to a trip to Chile.
Her mind seemsgenerally serene, and her sufferings hitherto are nothing like Emily's.
Their appellation among their rivals, seemsgenerally to have been the Mengwe, or Maqua.
The earnest vanity that serves as the engine of Instagram seemsgenerally harmless, sweetly human.
It seemsgenerally granted, sir, that such drones are the proper objects of an impress.
The elderly often exchange services with relatives, and this arrangement seemsgenerally to correspond to their needs.
Still it would be a coasting voyage, and the Phoenician seemsgenerally to have hugged the land.
Advocates were heard before these courts, and the procedure seemsgenerally to have been modelled upon European patterns.
Though Lincoln had a profound respect for women, he seemsgenerally to have been ill at ease in their company.
His poetry is better than some which I see printed in the village papers, and seemsgenerally unexceptionable in its subjects and tone.
Should this not happen, but the other, it seemsgenerally agreed that the Prince of Wales must be appointed Regent, with kingly power.
He has a fine new car and seemsgenerally content but, in general, he has no plans to withdraw from his colourful and lengthy career.
The Eleans arrogated indeed the right of a constant sanctity to perpetual peace; and the right, though sometimes invaded, seemsgenerally to have been conceded.
"Love seemsgenerally to be regarded by the masculine mind in the light of a weakness."