Segen is a German word translating to "blessing, benediction; charm; prayer; spell, incantation".
Examples for "blessing"
Examples for "blessing"
1Yet, it has been the greatest blessing a father could ask for.
2Her parents call her getting a place on the course a blessing.
3He is the benefactor of the workman; a blessing to the people.
4The Dutch parliament has also given its blessing to the Greek rescue.
5The RIAA wants to appeal that decision, but first needs Davis' blessing.
1Reuters tried to contact Segen via telephone and email, but received no comment.
2The Segen employees will leave Bisha by the end of August, when their work is finished.
3BMSC in turn hired Segen, an Eritrean government firm, to do construction work at the mine.
4Segen would put off filing paperwork, telling Senet that its workers were no one else's business.
5Segen also refused to allow Nevsun to visit the site where its workers are housed to assess conditions.
6Segen told the doctor on board the Proactiva ship that he had been in Libya for about 18 months.
7Day to day, Goosen and other Senet staff supervised Segen, the Eritrean government-owned contractor brought in to do construction work.
8Nevsun also says that if its prohibition against the use of conscripts was ever breached, state-controlled Segen was to blame.
9He was told to take off his military uniform, and given gray coveralls to wear, with "Segen" across the back.
10ESCAPE Segen workers were on site in significant numbers during the mine's initial construction from 2008 to 2011.
11Goosen said he asked cooks at the main camp to set aside leftover food for Segen workers but Segen managers told him to stop.
12There are 140 Segen employees at the mine, representing about 10% of the 1,400 Eritreans employed directly or indirectly at Bisha.