On postoperative day 6, the patient was allowed semiliquid foods orally.
This one calls for coconut, not only coconut in a semiliquid form but also toasted.
But he didn't know what else had been mixed with it to make it into a semiliquid.
Mars struggled to regain his footing, but the floor was a shifting quagmire of sticky semiliquid bone.
Scatty swooped in to gather up her weapons from the pile of semiliquid wax that now resembled a half-melted snowman.
The devilfish is merely a mollusk, and even this name hints at its semiliquid flesh, because it's Latin meaning soft one.
Even as they watched, clots of the semiliquid broke away and began to rise, strings of matter stretching and snapping behind them.
Comparative cytological analysis has revealed general regularities of rearrangements of the submicroscopic organization in Chlorella cells cultivated on both solid and semiliquid agarized nutrient media.