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Significados de send sms em inglês
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Uso de send sms em inglês
Bands can sendSMS messages to fans about upcoming shows in their area.
What's more, you can also sendSMS text messages via your Mac using the same feature.
Users can also sendSMS messages to friends.
The government sentSMS messages to Guineans calling for calm and detailing precautions people could take against Ebola.
Melanie Sykes has all the Twitter sex, dull politicians sendSMS's to each other about Ofcom and monopoly commissions.
The system allows students, teachers and parents to sendSMS alerts when pump, toilet or hand-washing system breakdowns down.
The band's furious 30-minute gig was publicized by a website posting and fans who sentSMS messages to each other.
Instant messaging platforms allow anyone with an internet connection to sendSMS text messages without paying traditional mobile phone messaging fees.
But maybe you don't need all your possible contact options for a certain person-they'resomebody you just call, or just sendSMS to.
Mr Tsvetnenko went from college drop out to multi-millionaire in just three years after creating a computer program that sentSMS messages automatically.
That's particularly true of cellular service, as disaster victims use smartphones to sendSMS, Twitter, and Facebook notifications about their needs and their whereabouts.
Having infected the users' phones, the gang sentSMS messages from those devices instructing the banks to transfer money to the hackers' own accounts.
This, Xiaomi said, was to allow users to sendSMS messages without having to pay operator charges by routing the messages through Xiaomi's servers.
Authorities also instructed some 6.8 million eligible voters how to find their polling stations by sendingSMS messages to designated numbers.
And if you have an Android phone, you can pair the two and tether the connection to sendSMS messages (or short 160-character emails).
We've sentSMS messages to over 100 000 people who are ready to receive the funds, and over time this process will become quicker.