Dell's traditional businesses -PCs and serverhardware -are in decline.
Revenue from IBM's Systems & Technology segment, including its serverhardware, increased by 3 percent.
They're upgrading the serverhardware and databases to help deal with the traffic and improve overall performance.
But Synnex isn't the one assembling and testing all that internet serverhardware -at least not officially.
They are looking to turn vast farms of serverhardware and software into utility services that customers can rent.
If you explain that a small feature will double the serverhardware requirements, they may decide they can live without it.
Sendmail is bundled into software shipped with Sun Microsystems and Hewlett-Packard serverhardware, and its source code is distributed freely via the Internet.
SeaMicro's fabric is a way of efficiently connecting various pieces of serverhardware, and the company says it can be used with virtually any processor.
Simply put, it effectively decouples the application from the serverhardware with the help of a hypervisor (a tool that creates and runs virtual machines).