Having a very rough nap or covered with hanging shags.
Examples for "shaggy "
Examples for "shaggy "
1 As a huge, shaggy hand grabbed Finn yet again, BB-8 scurried clear.
2 The floors in our new house had nice dark brown shaggy carpets.
3 Herbie the Lion yawned again and pulled his shaggy head back in.
4 His shaggy hair floated in the cold breezes that blew by him.
5 Along with the shaggy hair, the new look made me completely unrecognisable.
1 He duly dug out a pair of noticeably less shagged running shoes.
2 Long, greasy black hair shagged down his back to the shoulder blades.
3 We slept a couple of hours, woke up, shagged again.
4 Stayed with him all those years while he shagged around and made her miserable.
5 He had put away nearly three sixpacks during the baseball game, and he was shagged .
6 I wandered from the town, and paused by the winding and shagged banks of the river.
7 Both had logged enough miles to have shagged at the tavern in its Myrtle Beach days.
8 He also needed to be shagged by her.
9 The area had once been a grass-plot, but was now shagged with briars and rank weeds.
10 If you shagged someone but they were only an NPC, was that technically just a wank?
11 Soraka was a grim warrior, with shagged iron-gray locks and naked sinewy arms rough with hair.
12 Another ford was discovered, three miles within land, but the banks were steep, and shagged with forest.
13 The area had once been a grass plot, but was now shagged with briers and rank weeds.
14 Their hair and beards were overgrown and shagged ; they were wasted by hunger, half naked, and in chains.
15 Her voice remains one of the best filter-tipped instruments around, by turns burnished and shagged - out , but always just right.
16 While Ochoa shagged the ball from under a desk, Rook blurted, All right, I didn't go to Ocean Grill.
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About this term shagged
shag Verb
Indicative · Past Indefinite