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Significados de sharp bends em inglês
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Uso de sharp bends em inglês
The author is right in condemning sharpbends in reinforcing rods.
The road swept up and then crawled down awkwardly between hills in sharpbends.
Hills are slow going, there are several towns to negotiate and sharpbends require some manoeuvring.
Occasionally where sharpbends or abrupt corners are needed, the metal is heated previous to bending.
Such sharpbends invite cracks.
The poor surface, undulating hill-rise and accompanying sharpbends all contribute to making this stretch of road extremely hazardous.
The width was small in proportion to the depth, and both were greatest at the sharpbends of the channel.
When passing through woods, defile, or over bridge, when going around sharpbends in the road; when convoy is forming corral.
He didn't recall there being quite so many twists and sharpbends, but he was positive he was still in the main shaft.
Kink-turn (K-turn) motifs are asymmetric internal loops found at conserved positions in diverse RNAs, with sharpbends in phosphodiester backbones producing V-shaped structures.
When the last of the nine digits were there, he felt himself sliding down, down, shooting in and out, turning sharpbends in his body.