Ainda não temos significados para "shiver in".
1The buds will shiver in the cold air when the sheaths drop.
2The silken words spread over her skin making her shiver in response.
3Her voice quavered slightly and he felt her shiver in his arms.
4Your eyes are like fantastic moons that shiver in some stagnant lake
5We shiver in discomfort, and keep shifting our positions, like cattle enclosed.
6Even the name would make you nervous and shiver in the sunshine.
7Recalling the Navajo man's Skinwalker story, I shiver in the vacuum-like silence.
8He placed his lips on her neck, making her shiver in pleasure.
9The men in charge of them wait, and, waiting, shiver in the cold.
10The bravest felt a shiver in the roots of their hair.
11Does the image make the new manager shiver in his boots?
12Anybody who saw him, wearing nothing but a shirt, would shiver in sympathy.
13There was a contraction around his breast-bone and a shiver in his shoulders.
14He spoke calmly, even as he felt her shiver in pain against him.
15I shiver in his embrace, staring out at the abandoned remains of Earth.
16The plane continues to buzz while, nearby, corn stalks shiver in the wind.
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Shiver in nas variantes da língua
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