Someone skilled in the transcription of speech (especially dictation)
Examples for "stenographer"
Examples for "stenographer"
1Father takes along a stenographer when he wants to dictate en route.
2She is the stenographer and sometimes works the switchboard of the telephone.
3It brought the anxious-looking stenographer to the doorway, notebook in hand, ready.
4A touch upon the electric button brought the stenographer from the anteroom.
5It will be the salary of the stenographer that will count up.
1We have mentioned the valet, the barber, the wardrobe-keeper, and the amanuensis.
2If I could afford to pay an amanuensis it would be different.
3She had become his amanuensis, had insisted upon writing to his dictation.
4From eleven to twelve was the time for Mary's duty as amanuensis.
5I believe he often acted as Scott's amanuensis, when composing his novels.
1She wasn't anybody notable; she'd been a shorthand typist in an office in Kuala Lumpur.
2Paul, you see, was a great man, who commanded the services of a shorthand typist.
3You're getting to be quite a shorthand typist.
4I said dryly, "She's a shorthand typist again, working in a handbag factory at Perivale."
5Miss Edmonds, Sir Lionel's shorthand typist.
6I knew of several charitable appeals who would have found a first-class shorthand typist, unpaid, a perfect god-send, and I told her so.
7Having worked as a typist in Dublin, in 1914 she was employed as a shorthand typist at the garrison adjutantss office in Dublin Castle.
8"I'm a shorthand typist," she said.
Translations for shorthand typist