Ainda não temos significados para "show any kind".
1Can America show any kind of a horse to tempt her brush?
2Alex decided this was not the time to show any kind of intimidation.
3They looked out of time, fretful, unable to assert their qualities, to show any kind of leadership or drive.
4Of course, we should never expect Bay to show any kind of restraint -that would disappoint his fans and detractors alike.
5The worst thing you could possibly do right now, she told herself, would be to show any kind of weakness at all.
6After all, what colossal egotism to think that a polished, sophisticated, career-track woman like LaGuerta might show any kind of interest in me.
7It may be that he had not heard that talk, maybe he disdained it, for certainly he did not show any kind of resentment.
8Cody, oddly enough, was the only one showing any kind of animation.
9And do you know what happens when Diana shows any kind of emotion?
10In fact, they hardly ever showed any kind of emotion.
11Only the latter tomes showed any kind of wear whatsoever.
12In China, you can get imprisoned and tortured for showing any kind of political dissent.
13Imagine- asoldiershowing any kind of human reaction.
14He hated showing any kind of weakness.
15"Gods, so much for Julia showing any kind of restraint!" He smirked.
16If you'd shown any kind of decent behaviour when I spoke to you in the train-butit's no good talking about that now.
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