Ainda não temos significados para "similar occurrences".
1Then we look at the rest of the file for similar occurrences.
2Wessely records several other more or less similar occurrences in the Austrian Alps.
3The plunge in the ETFs follows similar occurrences in other shares.
4These cases are not isolated; we are seeing similar occurrences right across the country.
5Words themselves, as we have seen, are sets of similar occurrences of this kind.
6He also mentioned similar occurrences in France would result in the hosts forfeiting the match.
7Nevertheless the children on their own report similar occurrences.
8This, and some other similar occurrences, have made the opposition here thoroughly ridiculous and contemptible.
9This and other similar occurrences decided Amy to say nothing of the destitution of the pantry.
10Since the Hikaru debacle, Valu has added restrictions on the frequency of trading to prevent similar occurrences.
11The Persians have given similar reports, and even the ancient Egyptians have left records of similar occurrences.
12I saw Mademoiselle watching me, partly frightened, but partly curious, as though she had witnessed similar occurrences.
13By this and similar occurrences, Florence was deprived of men of worth, and of much wealth and industry.
14There will be other similar occurrences.
15Only an honest examination of these issues and commitment to changing them can prevent similar occurrences in the future.
16This horse, as though quite used to similar occurrences, stood quietly contemplative, till Mike had restored her to a perpendicular.
Esta colocação é formada por:
Similar occurrences ao longo do tempo
Similar occurrences nas variantes da língua