Ainda não temos significados para "sip iced".
1After dinner, after the cake and the round of "Happy Birthday," Madison and Ryan were left alone to sip iced tea in the rose-covered gazebo.
2Veronica, under an awning, sipping iced sherbet, appeared to be the centre of the party.
3Amapola sipped iced coffee and stared out the window.
4The coffee shop across the street taunted me as people walked out sipping iced lattes.
5They sat sipping iced tea, not looking at each other, an uncomfortable silence between them.
6Out on the broad verandas of the hotel, men and women, in cool white, sipped iced drinks and kept their circulation down.
7It became a recognized entertainment to go and hear his abuse of Heyst, while sipping iced drinks on the veranda of the hotel.
8He sat back in his chair and sipped iced tea while he looked around the huge formal setting of the Old Palace's Great Hall.
9The waiter came and took orders, and as we sipped iced tea, I told Richards about Billy's theory about the insurance scam and murder.
10A military band was playing and men in white, well-dressed women, and officers in uniform strolled about or sipped iced drinks beside the tennis court.