Examples for "sleepy"
Examples for "sleepy"
1They may be bright in the morning and sleepy in the afternoon.
2Today, for some reason, this sleepy harbor town was crawling with police.
3He looked sleepy and young, but he always looked young to her.
4By now, nine o'clock had become Shizu 'n' Yoko's inviolate sleepy time.
5He asked the sleepy bailiff what case they were trying in there.
1-Thatwas the first definition I gave you, you sleepyheaded wretch, said Stephen, when I began to try to think out the matter for myself.
1Shefford had no trouble in making friends with the lazy sleepy-eyed burros.
2The big sleepy-eyed one crooned, Hey, Mingo, man-wejust need to wait.
3A candle was pushed out, and above it was Goode's sleepy-eyed face.
4A sleepy-eyed porter opened the door of the car outside the Milan Court.
5A few minutes later, Amelia came out into the kitchen sleepy-eyed.
6Outside in the passage was standing a girl, tall and sleepy-eyed.
7A boy appeared in the door, a dark-skinned, sleepy-eyed boy of about eight.
8Ten days later a sleepy-eyed slave answered a knock at the brothel door.
9Very quickly sleepy-eyed clerks and assistants were bringing files and records.
10Osuna is the genial sleepy-eyed, twenty-five-year-old son of a well-to-do Mexico City oilman.
11Shake saw an embarrassed smile flicker across Jasper's round, sleepy-eyed face.
12Josie Jackson, sleepy-eyed and warm, lying next to him on their last day.
13Presently he was sitting in his trousers and socks and shirt, sleepy-eyed beside Luck.
14A sleepy-eyed hostler made his appearance in a few minutes.
15A sleepy-eyed clerk was seated at the table with sheets of paper before him.
16Almondine turned to look at Edgar, sleepy-eyed and relaxed, and then back at Claude.