Ainda não temos significados para "slick with sweat".
1His body was slick with sweat, and she wanted to move away.
2The knife wavered in the air; the hilt was slick with sweat.
3Falling back on the bed, breathing hard, his body slick with sweat.
4When I touched the steering wheel my hands felt slick with sweat.
5His hand was slick with sweat on the stock of the gun.
6His skin was slick with sweat even though he didn't feel hot.
7She eased herself into a command seat, her legs slick with sweat.
8Her palms were slick with sweat and her stomach twisted in knots.
9Such a small fire, but she was already slick with sweat.
10She looked down at her body, pale and slick with sweat.
11He looked down at his hand, empty and slick with sweat.
12Vance did-reluctantly-and Rhodes caught it though his palms were already slick with sweat.
13I crouched on the floor of the Impala, terrified, palms slick with sweat.
14Under her clumsy gable hood, Mary's forehead is slick with sweat.
15Flesh slick with sweat beneath clothing, beaded with it where you could see.
16Heaviness pressed her into the bed, her skin slick with sweat.