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Significados de small glen em inglês
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Uso de small glen em inglês
She followed him, until they found a private place in a smallglen.
Waving, she continued on, flying up over a hill and down through a smallglen.
When they approached the smallglen, she tried to quickly pass, not wanting him to investigate.
Raphael paused by the smallglen where the stone altar sat, the grounds humming with unseen power.
He jerked his gaze across the smallglen at Campbell, who raised one hand high in the air.
Arriving at a smallglen through which a shallow stream burbled, Maleficent lowered Aurora gently to the ground.
Smithills or Smethells Hall is situated in a wood, above a smallglen, two miles and a half from Bolton.
Without even a whispered word, the brother and sister crept cautiously along, coming at length to an open, but smallglen.
Having explored all the great glaciated valleys of the Beara Peninsula, I finally got around to Glenbeg (the smallglen) this summer.
Surveyor Plateau juts up ahead of them, its ochre surface dotted with smallglens and clumps of pine woods valiantly resisting the new climatic conditions.