Ainda não temos significados para "small grip".
1Take little luggage, of course: a heavy overcoat or wrap, and a small grip.
2He returned a moment later, carrying a small grip.
3Hurstwood arose and gathered up his small grip.
4A small grip constituted her entire baggage.
5After the shades of evening fell he left the room and hotel with a small grip in his hand.
6They were very few, and one small grip would contain his scanty library which he could not bear to leave behind.
7When the Bishop had finished his investigation in the vestry, he sighed as he closed his small grip and left the church.
8He had been stripped of everything already: he had only the dirt under his bare feet, his small grip on this unknown place.
9He carried a small grip in his hand, which he placed upon the deck, and went down into the cabin where Eben was preparing dinner.
10The small gripping arms high up on the chest didn't seem ridiculous at all, when seen full size.
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