Ainda não temos significados para "smile knowingly".
1The men square their shoulders and smile knowingly at one another; some of them look a little bored.
2The old colonel would listen gravely, smile knowingly, approve, criticize, and explain to us any passage which seemed confused.
3Over against these are the celebrities who sit in a corner and smile knowingly when they are expected to scintillate.
4THE immediate response was to pat Charlton patronisingly on the back and smile knowingly about the vagaries of cup football.
5Whenever they asked him where he got the stuff, he would smile knowingly and wink and murmur something about a little secret.
6The Tiger smiled knowingly, then nudged the Lion in a friendly way.
7And as I talk, he smiles knowingly, leaning back in his chair.
8The diplomat waved his hand deprecatingly, and smiled knowingly at this interruption.
9Prostitutes, pimps, thieves and saloon hangers-on looked at him and smiled knowingly.
10Kate smiled knowingly; not that she actually knew much to be knowing about.
11Then he smiled knowingly, and said he thought he understood what I meant.
12Then something shifted through his thick brain, and he smiled knowingly.
13The old gentleman looked at it carefully, smiled knowingly, Yes, yes, I see.
14The woman whispers something back and the younger one smiles knowingly.
15The trader smiled knowingly, for he knew that the major esteemed himself the best.
16I took the hint and smiled knowingly, and then glanced askance at the steward.
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