Ainda não temos significados para "snore in".
1I've never known him to even gurgle-muchless snore in his sleep.
2You'll snore in there all right, and you can start at daybreak.'
3I'll pull a snore in this chair in a minute.
4I think it's unclear still whether or not you snore in space or as much.
5The man let him snore in his chair and deliberately divided his money among them.
6The adjutant always said that the doctor was able to snore in five different keys.
7And if so, let him snore in peace.
8He began to snore in an odd, snuffling way that made her wonder if he was faking.
9But Timmy began to snore in earnest.
10Most people snore on the in-breath, but if you have large tonsils you may snore in both directions.
11Mouth Breathing.-Littleones who habitually breathe loud or snore in their sleep may be troubled with an adenoid growth.
12When thrown down by the laso, they snore in the most extraordinary manner, like so many aldermen in an apoplectic nap.
13I always thought you didn't snore in space, that the nap position that we're on on earth and the way gravity works.
14Daddy gets batches of newspapers, by the uncertain mail, but finishes by nine and requests to be permitted to snore in peace.
15He could snore in all keys, all languages, all directions, and it was like trying to sleep in the same room with a fog-horn.
16Shadow spent the night half-awake, drifting in and out of sleep, listening to his new cellmate grunt and snore in the bunk below him.
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