Ainda não temos significados para "so eminent".
1Such vehement remonstrances from so eminent a source produced the needful effect.
2How know we whether Socrates were so eminent indeed, and of so
3We are highly honored to entertain one so eminent as you are.
4Be they ever so eminent, their sex deprives them of your care.
5The national idea, so eminent in modern music, is not everywhere equally justified.
6M. Molé, afterward so eminent as an orator, took the side of Talleyrand.
7From so eminent a vaudeville producer, this is, indeed, high praise.
8At these two charges from men so eminent, the effect upon the audience was startling.
9How much more may be reasonably expected of our brother Pachymius, so eminent for sanctity!
10Happy to see you again, Sir, in so eminent a position; a legislator-oneof our legislators.
11He would not have been so eminent had not his poetical studies begun in his childhood.
12It might disturb Mr. Macnair to know that so eminent a critic was listening to him.
13His merit as a preacher was so eminent that it was early rewarded with a mitre.
14Strive, therefore, to act in such a manner as befitteth so eminent, so august a station.
15She says, I will form my own brigade, not only you can be so eminent and decorated.
16He was saved by a subtlety, and by that political craft in which he was so eminent.
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So eminent ao longo do tempo
So eminent nas variantes da língua