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Significados de so evocative em inglês
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Uso de so evocative em inglês
There it was, again: that haunting name, soevocative of climes far from England's shores.
In part, I think it is the sights, sounds and smells that are soevocative.
This may be why odors are soevocative of memories and the emotions associated with them.
Some flavours are soevocative that reacquainting yourself with them is like stepping back through time.
A love story set on the Italian Riviera in the 1980s, it is soevocative, of Italy and summertime.
He knew she wasn't Jolie, but the atmosphere of the encounter was soevocative that he could not help himself.
Where Scorsese excels is world-building, and The Irishman is soevocative of the every era it runs through, from the 1950s onwards.
And the music was soevocative, as we sat in Shed 6, drinking wine and squished happily onto a seat with strangers.
Turning from the old Latin inscription he viewed the church, soevocative in its fortress form of an earlier and more romantic century.
Gloaming is a not an often-used word, but its meaning is soevocative and specific that it really couldn't have been named anything else.
Those three words are soevocative, conjuring images of old sci-fi, from The Day the Earth Stood Still to the infamous Orson Welles prank.
By shooting at night with a digital camera, he found an added contrast and a tone that makes the photos soevocative, almost menacing.
Soevocative was their skill at pantomime, polished by generations of communicating by gesture and signal, the intense emotion of the hunt was re-created.