Ainda não temos significados para "so fantastic".
1I think it would be so fantastic to make it with him.
2What you watch with us is not so fantastic, he cheerily acknowledged.
3Yet I do not believe it is nearly so fantastic as it seems.
4The hospital staff have been so fantastic and are doing everything they can.
5He was so fantastic an animal that Oblivion were indeed amiss.
6The story was so fantastic and incredible, the telling so credible and sober.
7Some stories were so fantastic that he knew they were making them up.
8I drifted there, savoring everything we had accomplished together, so fantastic and grueling.
9Why should so fantastic a thought have persecuted me so cruelly?
10Why the great secrecy if this outfit is so fantastic?
11It seemed so wild, so fantastic, that of all men, Detricand should be there.
12Talk to me about Ryan Crouser's technique and his form, and why it's so fantastic.
13But how could so fantastic a theory be proved?
14It sounds so fantastic, so mythical, doesn't it? He paused to study my wrinkled brow.
15It was so fantastic, so out of all reason.
16Not since the video to Aqua's Barbie Girl have we felt so fantastic about plastic.
Esta colocação é formada por:
So fantastic ao longo do tempo
So fantastic nas variantes da língua
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