Ainda não temos significados para "so melodious".
1The whispering of rushes and the song of thrushes, so varied, so melodious!
2No word, no name had ever seemed to him so sweet, so melodious so caressing.
3No shot, no barking, no orders in the world can disturb so melodious a sleep.
4Jean Jacques' voice ceased one song, and then, after a silence, it took up another, not so melodious.
5Her voice was so sweet, so melodious, so deliciously modulated, that the young men paused in spite of themselves.
6There was no mistaking the identity of the singer, no mistaking those deep, full notes, vibrant, rounded, and so melodious.
7A song from the doctor enlivened the conversation, and certainly so melodious a human voice had never echoed near the spot.
8After Bellini, the gentleman mentioned Beethoven, who, it seems, studied in Italy, and that is why his music is so melodious.
9The singing in the galleries and below is full, if not very sweet; is spirited and generously expressed if not so melodious.
10Many of the soldiers joined, and I was almost carried away by the strange effect, at once so melodious and so inspiring.
11No ditty of Latin origin, be it ever so melodious and fervid, could stand against such a wild storm of Anglo-Saxon vociferation.
12Their voices are so pleasing, and their language is so melodious that I enjoyed hearing their talk before I understood a word of it.
13How could I not listen, seeing that Mamma is speaking to somebody, and that the sound of her voice is so melodious and kind?
14In frightened tones of far-away sweetness, her voice mingled with the air, so low, so melodious one could scarce determine when she commenced to speak.
15He said "Good-morning" in a bass voice, so profound and so melodious that those two commonplace words assumed a new importance, coming from his lips.
16Moore (1780-1851), one of the most popular of English poets, will long be remembered for his songs, so melodious and so elegant in phrase.
Esta colocação é formada por:
So melodious ao longo do tempo
So melodious nas variantes da língua