(Computer science) written programs or procedures or rules and associated documentation pertaining to the operation of a computer system and that are stored in read/write memory.
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A software application, or a collection of software applications, designed to perform a specific task.
Examples for "program "
Examples for "program "
1 Unfortunately, the program doesn't quite work in the way the producers intended.
2 How a rogue weapons program created the new American way of war.
3 The program faced criticism even before the health reform law was passed.
4 Backers hope to expand the program to 50 countries within five years.
5 Singapore Airlines will join the test program later this year, it said.
1 Conclusion: Use of an interactive computer program in the ED appears feasible.
2 The model is also available to download as an interactive computer program .
3 Either that or the most devastating computer program - ming error in history.
4 The Operator was an immense computer program consisting entirely of numbers-machinecode.
5 She is widely thought of as having written the first computer program .
1 A cool software program and display keeps tabs on the batteries.
2 In the tape, she's playing with a software program designed to teach algebra.
3 He used a software program called Scapy to fire random queries at the system.
4 The data was used to build a software program to predict and influence voters.
5 TV was semi-automatically measured from chest CT scans by using an imaging software program .
6 An emulator is a software program that lets one computer act like another computer.
7 The app uses a software program on your PC to record online streaming video.
8 Was it created with paint or in a software program ?
9 Or the evil, self-aware master software program in Eagle Eye.
10 Today, he works with just two people and a software program to build his algorithms.
11 The way this works is that the desired shape is input into a software program .
12 His interest in computers had led him to develop a software program for performing algebra.
13 At that point, the software program that Harrison and her team have written kicks in.
14 He likens a software program to a cooking recipe.
15 The software program "BRAINS" was applied for brain volumetry and segmentation.
16 In this study, we compared an inexpensive method of histomorphometry to a current proprietary software program .
Mais exemplos para "software program"
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