Ainda não temos significados para "sold for money".
1This land he had sold for money to people in the East.
2Something seems wrong when a lung or a kidney is sold for money.
3I seen lots of 'em traded that way, and sold for money too.
4I will be the wild place sold for money.
5The remaining two were sold for money to purchase a horse for Sekeletu at Loanda.
6Was not our Saviour sold for money, and His life sworn away by false witnesses?
7Are there no decencies in life, madam, that are above being sold for money and name?
8Sebastian knew that in these times the papers of a politician may perhaps be sold for money.'
9Do you support yourself by knitting?-Yes, or by out-door work when knitting cannot be sold for money.
10Some who had no money to spare gave him jewels and other things which could be sold for money.
11After that, Sindbad amassed treasure by pelting apes with pebbles, who threw back at him cocoanuts, which he sold for money.
12Even when sold for money, it is given as a favour, or, at least, the transaction is out of the usual course.
13Prize after prize distinguished his short academic career, and the books he won he sold for money, in order to buy other books.
14The Baliwang battle-ax and spear are now more generally sold for money than is any other production made or disposed of within the Bontoc area.
15Has known cases of hosiery being sold for money to other people, and knitters have afterwards come and spent the cash at dealer's shop, 3612.
16"It was sold for money, I suppose," he said with studied and incisive calmness.
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