Made from juice of sweet sorghum.
Examples for "sorghum"
Examples for "sorghum"
1Industry experts said it could also produce ethanol with sugar or sorghum.
2Both cotton and sorghum need less water than soybeans, corn or wheat.
3Another variety called sweet sorghum has a stem similar to sugar cane.
4Early-season planting extends sorghum's growing season and increases yield in temperate regions.
5Under the impact of the spikes, the sorghum slowly crumbles to pieces.
1The family had been living on corncakes and sorghum molasses for three days.
2Tom poured a generous helping of sorghum molasses over his bread.
3We had Maple sugar and sorghum molasses in bounty.
4Prof. Wiley has made experimentally some fair samples of rum and alcohol from sorghum molasses.
5And sorghum molasses was the only kind there was.
6Folks was living on parched corn and sorghum molasses.
7And I've always had my share of oatmeal and sorghum molasses,-thoughone wouldn't think it to look at me.
8Our ration at this time consisted of raw corn-meal and sorghum molasses, without salt or any provision of utensils for cooking.
9After the mush we had fresh bread and sorghum molasses, and coffee with the cake that had been kept warm in the feathers.
10The regular food was a meal of corn, the cob and husk ground together, and sometimes once a week a ration of sorghum molasses.
Translations for sorghum molasses