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Significados de south portico em inglês
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Uso de south portico em inglês
The southportico is fragrant with that now.
We almost always take our breakfast on the southportico now, Mother looking very pretty and dainty in her summer dresses.
On the broad steps of the southportico he, uprushing three at a bound, met the advance guard of the gallery contingent, down-coming.
The following address on the Flag was delivered by President Woodrow Wilson from the southportico of the Treasury Building, Washington, D.C., June 14, 1915.
With their gas masks secured, they moved unhindered by the smoke toward the SouthPortico.
The room was built in response to a small plane crashing into the SouthPortico in the fall of 1994.
Hugging the rifle tightly against his shoulder and cheek, he looked through the scope and acquired the large SouthPortico of the White House.