Speaking in more general terms, we adopt spatialrelation as the perfect example of intelligible relation.
Conclusions: The imaging patterns of SSTR-directed radiotracers and MRI in vivo show a close spatialrelation of macrophage concentration and structural changes.
The writer describes one of his landscapes, which has strange spatialrelations.
Spatialrelations between Kim-1 and other damage markers were studied by double labeling IHC.
In some cases the system of spatialrelations was infinite, in others finite though boundless.
Background: Appreciating the three-dimensional spatialrelations of ventricular septal defects could be useful in planning surgical and catheter approaches.
'I'm pretty good with spatialrelations, and I've come to the conclusion that we can fit.
The spatialrelations of the phratries and classes are sufficiently clear from the map; and a table shows how far cross divisions are found.
In the above example the thing seen was significant, in that it disclosed its spatialrelations to other entities not necessarily otherwise entering into consciousness.
Qualities which do not count for the pursuit of knowledge about spatialrelations are left out; those which are important for this purpose are accentuated.
Then she translates all of that math, all those spatialrelations, into her fingers with a gentleness that I'm not even sure I can attempt.
"I guess I should have figured it out from the footprint of the house, only spatialrelations aren't my thing."