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Significados de spent on projects em inglês
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Uso de spent on projects em inglês
The money is to be spentonprojects that are investment-ready.
The new report card said "hundreds of millions" were being spentonprojects to reduce pollution.
Often, money is spentonprojects that were marginal at best and need permanently high commodity prices to stay afloat.
Fine, if that's the aim of the lessons, but it isn't. Time spentonprojects often means less time spent learning.
Salvation Army social policy analyst Alan Johnson says that money has now been spentonprojects and there is nothing left.
Canal restoration, building and development is now a global phenomenon, with billions of dollars spentonprojects annually around the world.
Moreover, donors often stipulated that funding could only be spentonprojects, not on core costs, such as staff development and welfare.
The money is to be spentonprojects to help poor countries curb carbon emissions and weather the impacts of climate change.
Despite more than a decade spentonprojects to boost the economy, the drawdown of foreign troops and aid donations has crippled Afghanistan's finances.
A spokesman for the department said the €8.5 million would be spentonprojects commencing in 2009.
The money will be spentonprojects being carried out by aid agencies and development organisations including the United Nations and the World Food Programme.
About $70 billion will be spent by international and domestic joint ventures, while another $59 billion will be spentonprojects solely undertaken by Aramco.