Ainda não temos significados para "splash with mud".
1His boots are splashed with mud, his coat torn by the thorns.
2His boots were splashed with mud, his scrape wrinkled and formless.
3As he ran, he was splashed with mud even up to his cap.
4It is Félice, old Félice, riderless, splashed with mud, wild-eyed, sore with fatigue!
5Cover the clump with a hand-light, to avoid splashing with mud from heavy rain.
6He wore khaki shorts and an open shirt, boots ragged and splashed with mud.
7They were both splashed with mud from shoulder to heel.
8Heavy silver ornaments jangled on their ankles, above their black slippers splashed with mud.
9I brought her in all of a lather, and splashed with mud to her saddle-girths.
10The engine was splashed with mud and soaking wet.
11His entire body was wet, and his legs, belly, and tail were splashed with mud.
12She was splashed with mud and her face was dull except for the wide, burning eyes.
13Brooks had ridden a bicycle from Medchester, and his trousers and boots were splashed with mud.
14He came in by the side-door from the court, splashed with mud, and looking pale and concerned.
15He was dust-stained and splashed with mud.
16His clumsy boots, studded with nails, were wet, and his frayed black trousers were splashed with mud.