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Meanings of splay feet in inglês
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Usage of splay feet in inglês
Its only weapons are its jaws since its broad, splayfeet are armed with blunt talons.
Their mothers were fit progenitors for such progeny: long, gaunt, with emaciated limbs, wall-sided, high-shouldered, and straight-backed, with pendulous bosoms, spider-like arms, and splayfeet.
Then he squeezed his splayedfeet into a pair of hobnailed boots.
Her splayedfeet, knobby inside soft cloth slippers, slid sideways like small burrowing animals.
Its legs were thick trunks ending in great splayedfeet.
He had collapsed against the wall by Dunning's splayedfeet.
Gnarled, splayedfeet gripped rock and earth with the sureness of a mountain goat's hooves.
From the footprints, turned out the murderer was some big, goofy bastard with splayedfeet.
He pushed the door open and saw Jud's splayedfeet, his old green workpants, his checked flannel shirt.
Hakim and Marwan approached him, miming the splayedfeet and bad backs of men who had lived in the sun.
Four giants were among them, massive hairy creatures with sloped shoulders, legs as large as tree trunks, and huge splayedfeet.
Deer grazed in picturesque herds in a clearing below and early-morning strollers began to dot the long avenue framed by my splayedfeet.
Saphira struck the cow broadside as it turned to run, knocking the animal over and holding it in place with her splayedfeet.
Then a cross between a massive toad and a soft-boiled ostrich egg, wearing flashing baby runners on three of its four splayedfeet.
"I'll make it a durned sight seriouser for you if you don't keep them splayfeet o'your'n offen my heels when we're marching."