Ainda não temos significados para "squirm mass".
1A sudden tug brought the body down a squirming mass.
2Then a signal was given and the panting, squirming mass was jerked to the surface.
3When it ended Archie lay with friends and enemies piled upon him in a squirming mass.
4Through the pane Ruth saw a squirming mass of scaly bodies, mixed up with an old quilt.
5The place was alive with a squirming mass of hideous reptiles, hissing and gliding about at being disturbed.
6It was a writhing, squirming mass of blackened humanity struggling for a mere physical existence, a bare living.
7At last only here and there were visible single kneeling forms, which were soon covered by moving squirming masses.
8Then, with a look of redoubled fury, he sent the knife to the hilt into the squirming mass before him.
9By this time Whitefoot had made out that that squirming mass of legs and heads was composed of baby Mice.
10The head of Anastacio rose again-abovethe crowd, then higher,-higher,-untilitlooked down upon the squirming mass from six feet above.
11No attention was paid to the command, and lifting his musket, he pointed it at the squirming mass of savages in the gateway.