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Significados de stands somewhat em inglês
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Uso de stands somewhat em inglês
This is clearly his first wife, and he standssomewhat in awe of her.
Val standssomewhat dazed until one of the photographers' assistants grabs her and says, "Torrey."
As a rule the man who stands well in "grease" standssomewhat lower in general popularity.
It standssomewhat aside from the general misery of Europe, and for that reason more perhaps can be seen.
In the southern part of the Mojave Desert a low hill standssomewhat apart from the foot-hills beyond, and back of it.
Like Claude, like Chardin, he standssomewhat apart; but he has distinctly the romantic inspiration, constrained and regularized by classic principles of taste.
Who knows but the naturalist standssomewhat in awe of his grandson?-foras the youngster reaches for his "Teddy," and says sententiously, "Bear!"